How to Get a Man With Just Texting Messages

Sometimes, getting a man can be quite difficult. And if you’re one of them, don’t get discouraged. It truly isn’t as difficult as you may think.

Texting, social media, and dating apps have created a brand new romantic revolution for women of today. They’re even cheaper, more accessible and more connective than bikes were back then. They allow you to find, attract, and communicate with men anytime and anywhere.You can get the man of your dreams to break the silence and go from a crush to your lifelong partner.

In this article we reveal some tips on how to get a man with just texting messages and how when you’re texting you have to use language and verbal behaviour to get him interested.

The Text That Makes His Heart Beat
Texting, like conversation is supposed to be exciting. If your every answer is predictable and boring then why should he even text you at all? If a guy is feeling this way then he has no motivation to text you back, much less ask you out again.

When texting a guy you like, be focused and clear. Texting in the early stages is about being fun and flirty, getting to know one another, and sending signals. It’s not about venting about your frustrations and personal problems. Every person has things they simply don’t want to talk about. These can be sticking points in a conversation. Being mindful of a man’s responses to different topics and areas of conversation.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Good Texting Should be Effortless
We know, it’s easier said than done but once you figure out the formula and get a good flow going you won’t need to agonize over every emoji and punctuation mark. You’ll be able to simple speak from your heart and be your real self.

Good, exciting texting conversation should have an edge of danger. Guys need to know that you’re strong and unafraid to push boundaries, tease, and be flirty.
Keep it low key at first but don’t be afraid to go offroad into topics and comments that make you nervous. It’s better to be risky than it is to be boring!

Set yourself apart from other women by texting with personality and enthusiasm. This means being detailed in your messages, using exclamation points and emojis, and even sending pictures. Remember, if this guy has your attention then chances are there are other girls who feel the same way.

Don’t let boring texts take you out of the running. The Feel Good Text You want your texts to make him feel warm inside. There are plenty of ways to do this: compliments, positivity, and jokes. 

Want to know more the texting techniques, strategies, exact words and phrases, sample texts that are tailored to specific situations? See this resource that will raise your success and will help you get what you desire

The Teasing Text
Teasing is the gateway to flirting and that’s where you want to be. More than almost any other text this one gets his blood pumping and not only that, it opens up the conversation to more fun banter.

Here are a couple examples:
        “What are you doing later? Do you feel like getting destroyed at pool?”
        “You know what they say about guys with blue eyes?  Terrible kissers ;)”

How you tease a guy will depend on what the guy is like and what he’s into. We recommend picking some positive quality (like a talent or skill) and then turning it around on him in a fun and funny way.

Notice that these lean heavier on the positive than the negative. If you know he has a favourite sports team, band, or hobby, then use this information to your advantage. It’s like saying “I know you but I’m not afraid of you.”When teasing it’s important that he knows you’re kidding. When in doubt a winking emoji will clear up any ambiguity.

The Specific Question
Nothing will kill a texting conversation faster than boring, cookie-cutter questions. No one wants to have the same conversation over and over again. The way around this is to make your questions more specific.
The best questions get him talking while also showing off your personality and wit.
And turning a boring question into an exciting one just takes changing a few words. So instead of asking “What’s your favorite band?” something like “What’s the best band you’ve ever seen live?
This lets him know that you’re into live music and instead of just answering with one word, it gives him a chance to tell a story.

Here’s a fun one that you can try if you two have been talking for awhile and you feel like you’re both running out of things to say but clearly don’t want to end the conversation.

        "Want to take my survey? It’s only twenty questions”.

Then you ask him a series of ‘either or’ questions like :
        “Pizza or burgers?”, “movies or TV?”, and “Pub or club?”

This fun, short game that will show him that you’re not afraid to be silly. As you get farther into this then you can drop in funnier and more revealing questions. Just avoid questions that feel like a job interview. This means make sure they’re fun and easy to answer.

The Risky Text
It’s simple direct and brave. This shouldn’t be your first text to a guy but if you’re not sure if he’s getting the hint and you don’t have anything to lose, why not put it out there.

        Hey, you’re cute”“I’m using my last 2% of battery to tell you that I’m thinking about you”.

Use this one to further flirting with a guy when you can’t think of anything else. It works because it’s surprising and catches him off guard. Texting is about being spontaneous and interesting, not safe and boring.

Want to know more the texting techniques, strategies, exact words and phrases, sample texts that are tailored to specific situations? See this resource that will raise your success and will help you get what you desire

How to Get a Man With Just Texting Messages How to Get a Man With Just Texting Messages Reviewed by datingarts on May 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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